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Jason Haigh

Jason Haigh

Jason started his sailing journey in his teens with dinghies and later developed a passion for sailboarding during his time at university and beyond. His obsession with sailboarding led him to set off from the UK with a friend in a combi van, seeking the sun, winds (the Levante in Tarifa, Spain), and waves (the consistent Atlantic West Coast, Portugal). This obsession gradually faded after ten years as work obligations took over.

A few years passed before Jason returned to sailing in the late 1990s through the RYA yachting scheme. Working through various qualifications, he experienced sailing on a variety of interesting yachts. In 1998, he achieved his RYA Yachtmaster Offshore certification and went on to own his first boat, a Victoria 30 with a 3/4 length keel. Although he didn't immediately set sail into the blue, based in Ipswich (UK), he sailed year-round in the chilly North Sea with trips along the northeast coast, south towards Lands End, and across the channel to Belgium, Holland, and France.

A break from sailing coincided with getting married, moving to Sydney, having three wonderful children, and starting a software business providing solutions to the charity and NFP sector. Jason and his wife often discussed sailing around the world, but work, kids, and city living kept them busy (in a good way). While living in Sydney, he maintained his long association with the sea through scuba diving, freediving, wakeboarding, kayaking, and day sailing.

The reset button was hit when Covid came along; Jason sourced and purchased a 42ft Chamberlain-designed and built catamaran, chosen mainly for its space—spending 24/7 for years with three kids guided their thinking. They put their old life on hold and embarked on the journey of a lifetime with their kids (ages 7, 8, and 10). Their circumnavigation was the most amazing adventure of their lives, taking in 28 countries and seeking to be as far from civilisation as possible—the more remote, the better. They enjoyed many great places and met many happy, friendly people along the way. The consequence of their trip is that the whole family has the 'adventurer' bug, and they are all committed to doing another circumnavigation in the future.

In the meantime, Jason fulfills his need to be on the ocean and shares the mindset of an intrepid wanderer through Ocean Sailing Expeditions, via their variety of great yachts and interesting destinations.