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Yacht Master - jo ivory

Jo Ivory

Jo grew up in a family of orchardists in the picturesque region of Marlborough. Her childhood was filled with the scent of ripe fruit and the rustling leaves of cherry and apple trees. But it wasn’t just orchards that captured her heart—Jo also spent countless hours exploring the Marlborough Sounds. Sailing, yacht racing, waterskiing, fishing, and diving became her passions.

Life moved on, and Jo got married and became a mother to two wonderful sons. Together, they embarked on a journey of growth and development. Over 12 years, they transformed their land into a thriving orchard, complete with a bustling packhouse. But Jo's thirst for adventure led her further—a vineyard development in the Awatere Valley became her next challenge, spanning an incredible 16 years.

In 2003, Jo set sail on her third yacht, the Caro Vita (a Warwick 53), from the tropical shores of Hawaii to the serene waters of Picton. Upon returning from this voyage, they put Caro Vita in MSA survey, and Jo obtained her skipper’s ticket, allowing her to operate the yacht as a charter out of Picton. Over the next decade, the Caro Vita became her faithful companion, carrying her across to the Pacific Islands and even competing in the 2011 RNI (Two-Handed Yacht Race around the North Island) alongside another female sailor.

But life has a way of surprising us. A decade later, Jo faced a 180-degree shift. The vineyard and yacht were sold, and she decided to spread her wings even wider. Off she flew, embarking on a working adventure around the world, primarily in the marine industry. From the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to the historic Mediterranean, she soaked in experiences that shaped her perspective and fueled her passion for the open sea. Countless voyages across the North and South Pacific, as well as the North and South Atlantic, left an indelible mark on her soul.

In January 2018, Jo returned to Auckland, New Zealand, drawn by the call of the waters of home. This time, her focus shifted to two iconic sailing yachts: Sir Peter Blake’s Steinlager 2 and Lion NZ. These vessels, now owned by the NZ Sailing Trust, became her canvas for empowering young New Zealanders. With 25 students onboard, they set sail to the outer reaches of the Hauraki Gulf. Their mission? To nurture life skills—communication, respect, integrity, teamwork, and leadership—while fostering confidence, courage, and trust. As the waves cradle them, they develop a profound appreciation for the ocean and the intricate dance of nature.

Jo, a sailor, a skipper, and a believer in the transformative power of the sea, continues to inspire and lead with her unwavering passion for the maritime world.