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Sailing Event pricing - join the crew early and save

One of the things that has bugged our customers historically, is booking and paying for a sailing event, only to see it promoted at a lower price later on. If that’s happened to you, please accept our apologies.

We have adopted a new pricing strategy from 1st July 2024 to address this;

  • We are moving to demand driven pricing: All new events will be listed at early bird prices (First Mate's Deal); 20-40% below our target retail. The faster they fill from there, the faster the remaining crew spots will rise in price.

  • We will reward those who book earlier, by offering sailing event prices at 20% to 40% discount. These will fall under the First Mate's Deal and Sea Master’s Saver price tiers.

  • We will guarantee you, that you will never pay less in future, than the advertised price you see, on any given day that you book an event.

  • If it’s ever discounted below the price you have already booked and paid, we will credit you for the difference. That’s our Best Price Guarantee for all bookings made after 1st July 2024.

  • Every time there are 1 - 3 new bookings for any event, the price will rise for everyone else who books afterwards, by a further $500 - $1,000. Price increases will continue to occur on the remaining crew spots available… until the crew is full. For example; an event initially offered at $5,750 as a First Mate's Deal, may end up at $8,750 on Captain’s Choice pricing for the final few that book.

  • Just like the airline pricing policy, those that book our sailing events earlier, will pay less than average. Those that book sailing events closer to the start date, will pay average or above average prices.

Our 4-tier pricing guarantee model

  1. First Mate's Deal

    • Description: Significant discounts for our customers who book their trips well in advance. Encourages early commitments and ensures initial sales.

    • Available for: First 2-3 crew positions filled (first 25% of crew).

    • Discount pricing: 20-40% discount off the standard event price.

  2. Sea Master’s Saver

    • Description: Moderate discounts for customers who book in advance but not as early as the First Mate's Fare. Balances between attracting early bookers and maintaining revenue.

    • Available for: Next 2-3 crew positions filled (second 25% of crew).

    • Discount pricing: 10-20% discount off the standard event price.

  3. Captain’s Choice

    • Description: Regular pricing for crew bookings made within a moderate timeframe.

    • Available for: Next 2-3 crew positions filled (third 25% of crew).

    • Pricing: Standard event price (normal retail), with no discount.

  4. Admiral’s Advantage

    • Description: Higher prices for last-minute crew bookings and/or highly popular events.

    • Available for: Final 2-5 crew positions filled, depending on event demand (last 25% - 50% of crew).

    • Pricing: 10-20% increase over the standard event price.

Note: Members discounts and sailing credits are applied using full retail (Captains Choice) as the base.